Donnerstag, 23. Januar 2014

Online TV News

Foreign language learning tip no. 10:

With Online TV videos you can watch the latest news summaries around the clock. In addition to hearing the news, you also have a chance to get to know the different accents of spoken German.
In Switzerland: Schweizer Fernsehen 
Germany: heute100sec und andere Kurznachrichten im ZDF
Austria: ZIB
If you don't understand right away what is said, you can repeat the video. That's another advantage of watching online television news.

Mit Online-Fernsehnachrichten lassen sich die Besonderheiten der britischen und amerikanischen Aussprache studieren.
UK: BBC One-Minute World News
USA: PBS newshour
Die hier aufgelisteten Fernsehsender sind alle öffentlich-rechtliche Sender.

All of the above listed TV stations are public broadcasting institutions. 

1 Kommentar:

  1. Corrections:
    "With Online TVstations," ==> "With online TV stations," or "With online news videos,"
    "If you don't understand right away what was said": This mixes tenses, so either use "If you didn't understand right away what was said" or "If you don't understand right away what is said"
