Dienstag, 23. Oktober 2012

UK National Day

The United Kingdom doesn't have a recognized national day, although the Queen's Official Birthday is sometimes considered as such. 
Das Vereinigte Königreich hat keinen allgemein anerkannten Nationalfeiertag. Lediglich der offizielle Geburtstag der Königin wird bei britischen diplomatischen Institutionen im Ausland wie ein Nationalfeiertag betrachtet.

Es gab allerdings immer wieder Vorschläge für die Schaffung eines Nationalfeiertags.
The following are some candidates for a new national day:
  • 24 March, Union of the Crowns to commemorate the kingdoms of England and Scotland sharing one monarch
  • 1 May, being both May Day and the date that the Acts of Union 1707 took effect. The existing May Day bank holiday sometimes falls on 1 May.
  • 8 May, VE Day
  • 29 May, Oak Apple Day, the date of the Restoration
  • 6 June, D-Day
  • 7 June, Democracy Day, to remember the Reform Act 1832
  • 15 June, Magna Carta
  • 18 June, Battle of Waterloo, marking a decisive victory over Napoleon
  • 24 August, Wilberforce Day, to remember the ending of slavery and the part played by William Wilberforce
  • 14 October, Battle of Hastings
  • 21 October, Trafalgar Day
  • 11 November Armistice Day
  • Remembrance Day on the Sunday following Armistice Day

(Quelle: Wikipedia)

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