Herb is a German adjective:
herb dry; bitter; harsh
Dieser Wein ist angenehm herb. This wine is pleasantly dry.
eine herbe Enttäuschung a bitter disappointment
ein herber Geschmack a harsh taste
Parsley, chives, rosemary, thyme, basil, oregano and dill are herbs. Petersilie (f), Schnittlauch (m), Rosmarin (m), Thymian (m), Basilikum (n), Oregano (m) und Dill (m) sind Kräuter.
*The word herb is pronounced [ˈɜrb] by most U.S. and Canadian speakers and some dialects in the UK, or [ˈhɜrb] by some U.S. speakers and in all other English-speaking countries.
herb dry; bitter; harsh
Dieser Wein ist angenehm herb. This wine is pleasantly dry.
eine herbe Enttäuschung a bitter disappointment
ein herber Geschmack a harsh taste
Herb * [ˈɜrb]
[ˈhɜrb] ist ein englisches Substantiv:
herb das Kraut, Heilkraut, Gewürzkraut, KüchenkrautParsley, chives, rosemary, thyme, basil, oregano and dill are herbs. Petersilie (f), Schnittlauch (m), Rosmarin (m), Thymian (m), Basilikum (n), Oregano (m) und Dill (m) sind Kräuter.
*The word herb is pronounced [ˈɜrb] by most U.S. and Canadian speakers and some dialects in the UK, or [ˈhɜrb] by some U.S. speakers and in all other English-speaking countries.
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