El País aus Madrid, The Guardian aus
London, Gazeta Wyborcza aus Warschau, La Stampa aus Turin und Le
Monde aus Paris haben zusammen mit der Süddeutschen aus München eine
Zeitungsbeilage produziert.
Ein Blog für alle, die ihre Deutsch- oder Englischkenntnisse festigen wollen. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ A blog for people who want to improve their English or German language skills.
Donnerstag, 31. Mai 2012
Mittwoch, 30. Mai 2012
Dienstag, 29. Mai 2012
gracious großzügig, gütig, liebenswürdig, wohlwollend, gnädig
Good gracious! Um Gottes Willen! Um Himmels Willen!
My goodness gracious! Du meine Güte!
graziös graceful, delicate, airy
Good gracious! Um Gottes Willen! Um Himmels Willen!
My goodness gracious! Du meine Güte!
graziös graceful, delicate, airy
Montag, 28. Mai 2012
Public Holidays in Germany
Heute ist gesetzlicher Feiertag in Deutschland. Mehr über Feiertage in Deutschland
Read more about public holidays in German.
Read more about public holidays in German.
Sonntag, 27. Mai 2012
Pentecoast, Whitsun,
Whitsuntide (das) Pfingsten
Whitsunday, Whit Sunday der Pfingstsonntag
Whitsun/ Pentecoast holidays die Pfingstferien
Pentecoast break die Pfingstferien
Easter and Pentcoast
are moveable holidays. Ostern
und Pfingsten sind bewegliche Feiertage.
Penteoast is the
fiftieth day after Easter. Pfingsten
ist der fünfzigste Tag nach Ostern.
This year Whitsuntide
(Pentecoast) falls on the 27th of May (May 27th). Dieses
Jahr fällt Pfingsten auf den 27. Mai.
Samstag, 26. Mai 2012
Holiday is a day on
which ordinary business is suspended, esp. because of a religious or
national celebration. (dict.leo.org/ende)
holiday der
bank holiday (BE)
der gesetzliche Feiertag
public holiday der
official holiday
amtlicher Feiertag
legal holiday
gesetzlicher Feiertag
floating holiday, moveable feast
beweglicher Feiertag
fixed holiday
unbeweglicher Feiertag
feast kann
auch Feiertag bedeuten, wird aber meistens mit der Bedeutung
das Festessen, das
Bankett, das Festgelage, das Festmahl oder der Festschmaus
(BE only!) die Ferien, der Urlaub
(AE) die Ferien, der Urlaub
Freitag, 25. Mai 2012
Donnerstag, 24. Mai 2012
The American South - Dixie - the South
Zu den amerikanischen Südstaaten gehören (mit den Hauptstädten):
Florida (Tallahassee), Georgia (Atlanta), Maryland (Annapolis), North
Carolina (Raleigh), South Carolina (Columbia), Virginia (Richmond),
West Virginia (Charleston), Delaware (Dover), Alabama (Montgomery),
Kentucky (Frankfort), Mississippi (Jackson), Tennessee (Nashville),
Arkansas (Little Rock), Louisiana (Baton Rouge), Oklahoma
(Oklahoma City) and Texas (Austin).

Mittwoch, 23. Mai 2012
The Queen's Speech
The full text of the
Queen's statement to parliament today
guardian.co.uk, Wednesday 9 May 2012 12.16
My government's legislative programme will focus on economic
growth, justice and constitutional reform.
My ministers' first priority will be to reduce the deficit
and restore economic stability.
Legislation will be introduced to reduce burdens on business
by repealing unnecessary legislation and to limit state inspection of
My government will introduce legislation to reform
competition law to promote enterprise and fair markets.
My government will introduce legislation to establish a
Green Investment Bank.
Measures will be brought forward to further strengthen
regulation of the financial services sector and implement the recommendations
of the Independent Commission on Banking.
My government will introduce legislation to establish an
independent adjudicator to ensure supermarkets deal fairly and lawfully with
A bill will be introduced to reduce burdens on charities,
enabling them to claim additional payments on small donations.
My government will propose reform of the electricity market
to deliver secure, clean and affordable electricity and ensure prices are fair.
A draft bill will be published to reform the water industry
in England and Wales.
My government will bring forward measures to modernise the
pension system and reform the state pension, creating a fair, simple and
sustainable foundation for private saving.
Legislation will be introduced to reform public service
pensions in line with the recommendations of the independent commission on
public service pensions.
A draft bill will be published setting out measures to close
the Audit Commission and establish new arrangements for the audit of local
public bodies.
My government will strive to improve the lives of children
and families.
My government will propose measures to improve provision for
disabled children and children with special educational needs.
New arrangements will be proposed to support children
involved in family law cases, reform court processes for children in care and
strengthen the role of the children's commissioner.
Measures will be proposed to make parental leave more
flexible so both parents may share parenting responsibilities and balance work
and family commitments.
A draft bill will be published to modernise adult care and
support in England.
My government will continue to work with the 15 other
Commonwealth realms to take forward reform of the rules governing succession to
the crown.
Legislation will be brought forward which will introduce
individual registration of electors and improve the administration of
A bill will be brought forward to reform the composition of
the House of Lords.
My government will continue to work constructively and
co-operatively with the devolved institutions.
Members of the House of Commons, estimates for the public
services will be laid before you.
My Lords and members of the House of Commons, my government
is committed to reducing and preventing crime.
A bill will be introduced to establish the National Crime
Agency to tackle the most serious and organised crime and strengthen border
The courts and tribunals service will be reformed to increase
efficiency, transparency and judicial diversity.
Legislation will be introduced to protect freedom of speech
and reform the law of defamation.
My government will introduce legislation to strengthen
oversight of the security and intelligence agencies. This will also allow
courts, through the limited use of closed proceedings, to hear a greater range
of evidence in national security cases.
My government intends to bring forward measures to maintain
the ability of the law enforcement and intelligence agencies to access vital
communications data under strict safeguards to protect the public, subject to
scrutiny of draft clauses.
My government will seek the approval of parliament relating
to the agreed financial stability mechanism within the euro area.
My government will seek the approval of parliament on the
anticipated accession of Croatia to the European Union.
My government will work to support a secure and stable
Afghanistan, to reduce the threat of nuclear proliferation, including in Iran,
and to bring greater stability to the Horn of Africa.
In the Middle East and north Africa, my government will
support the extension of political and economic freedom in countries in
My government has set out firm plans to spend 0.7% of gross
national income as official development assistance from 2013. This will be the
first time the United Kingdom has met this agreed international commitment.
My government will build strategic partnerships with the
emerging powers.
The United Kingdom will assume the presidency of the G8 in
2013: my government will use this opportunity to promote international security
and prosperity.
In the year of the Diamond Jubilee, Prince Philip and I will
continue to take part in celebrations across the United Kingdom.
The Prince of Wales and other members of my family are
travelling widely to take part in festivities throughout the Commonwealth.
Prince Philip and I look forward to the London Olympic and
Paralympic Games and to welcoming visitors from around the world to London and
venues throughout the country.
Other measures will be laid before you.
My Lords and members of the House of Commons, I pray that
the blessing of almighty God may rest upon your counsels.
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