Donnerstag, 19. Juni 2014


What do you get when you buy a jar of "Waldfruchtkonfitüre"?
"Waldfrucht" is a mixture of berries that grow in a forest or at the edge of a forest.
They usually are: blueberries, raspberries, wild strawberries and perhaps blackberries.

jar das Glas
die Waldfruchtkonfitüre forest fruit jam
the edge of a forest der Waldrand
blueberry, huckleberry (Vaccinium myrtillusdie Heidelbeere 
raspberry (Rubus idaeus) die Himbeere 
wild strawberry (Fragaria vesca) die Walderdbeere
blackberry (Rubus fruticosus) die Brombeere

Heidelbeeren blueberrries
Himbeeren raspberries
Heidelbeeren, Himbeeren und Erdbeeren
Blueberries, raspberries and wild strawberries

The blackberries aren't ripe yet. Die Brombeeren sind noch nicht reif ...

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