Donnerstag, 6. Februar 2014


troika die Troika

  • A Russian carriage drawn by a team of three horses abreast, -> a team of three horses abreast.  Russisches Dreigespann

  • A group of three (politicians etc.)   Drei gemeinsam regierende Politiker

Die Troika = EU Troika ist ein EU-Kontrollgremium aus Vertretern
der EZB
des IWF und
der EU-Kommission                                                                                              Quelle: Wikipedia

The term Troika which comes from the Russin meaning "group of three", was increasingly used during the eurozone crisis to describe the European Commission, International Monetary Fund and European Central Bank, who formed a group of international lenders that laid down stringent austerity measures when they provided bailouts, or promises of bailouts  for indebted peripheral European states – such as Ireland, Portugal and Greece – in the financial crisis.
                                                                                                           Quelle: Financial Times Lexicon

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